
Automatic installation of all necessary programs

Primary LanguageCSS


##How to install Antergos Cinnamon and customize it

All information about the installation and customization of Antergos Cinnamon can be found in this article and is explained in several youtube tutorials :


Official antergos downloads can be found at http://antergos.com/try-it/

Initial look

Let us first take a screenshot of the initial look of this distro.


What can you achieve?



##Software installation

We start the installation scripts of all the needed software via the terminal.

Do not forget to type "./" in front of the name.

These scripts will point to some of the other scripts in the folder. So keep them together.

Some of the applications that will be installed are

Sublime Text

There are other scripts for more applications. If needed, you can install them individually.

##Install Arc Theme

Ofcourse you can install new themes. I like the Arc theme which I will use in the later screenshots.

I install the original blue Arc theme but also my personally created Arc themes (see Arc Colora folder).

##Install your individual Arc Theme

You can change the blue accent colour from the Arc theme with these scripts to any colour you like :

Read here for more info on Arc Based Themes : http://erikdubois.be/category/themes/arc-based-themes/

More info about Arc Colora : https://github.com/erikdubois/Arc-Theme-Colora

##Download the Sardi icons

You can install the sardi icons via the scripts

This icon theme can be downloaded at sourceforge.


You can also use

- packer -S sardi-icons 
- pacaur -S sardi-icons 
- yaourt -S sardi-icons 

Sardi is meant to be changed by the users. You can use scripts to change the hexadecimal colour code in about 3 seconds.

Start your reading about Sardi here : http://erikdubois.be/overview-sardi-icons-version-9-sardi-extra-icons/

Follow the collection on google+ : https://plus.google.com/u/0/collection/YFP-LB

The most recent pictures can be found there.

More documentation on http://erikdubois.be/category/sardi-icons/

##Download the Sardi-extra icons

There is also a collection of Sardi Extra icons at


These icons can be downloaded but will not be maintained. Nor are they part of the core icons of Sardi. They are the result of ideas and scripts that are included in Sardi icons.

More documentation on http://erikdubois.be/category/sardi-icons/

##Download the Surfn icons

For ease of installation I use the script.

You can also use

- packer -S surfn-icons 
- pacaur -S surfn-icons 
- yaourt -S surfn-icons 

More info can be found here : https://github.com/erikdubois/Surfn

##Install the Aureola conky collection

This is an exercise in writing conky configurations in lua syntax.

In above screenshots you can see the conky's at work.

More information can be found here : http://erikdubois.be/category/linux/aureola/

##Change the cursor

I like the breeze cursors.


##Install the plank and download 100+ themes

Plank is installed via the main scripts.

If you want to install 100+ plank themes, you need to run the script.

Find plank in the menu and start it. CTRL + Right-click on the plank and choose preferences and put in on top.

Surfn icons and all plank themes


Sardi icons and all plank themes


Read more on plank e.g. how to autostart plank on boot : http://erikdubois.be/category/linux/plank/

##Change from bash to zsh in your terminal

I like bash but I prefer zsh with lots of different themes from oh-my-zsh to spice things up. So let us install that via the script.


##Download this github for ease of installation

You can run any of these scripts by downloading the zip file from github. Go to the download folder and right-click to Extract here. Go inside the folder and right-click in a blank space to go to the terminal. Now your terminal is opened in this extracted folder.


use the git clone command

Youtube Resources Antergos Cinnamon


Youtube Resources all Antergos



Sardi icons



Surfn icons


Aureola conky



Arc Colora



Plank and 100+ Plank Themes




#What can you do if the script does not execute?

Since I sometimes forget to make the script executable, I include here what you can do to solve that.

A script can only run when it is marked as an executable.

ls -al 

Above code will reveal if a script has an "x". X meaning executable. Google "chmod" and "execute" and you will find more info.

For now if this happens, you should apply this code in the terminal and add the file name.

chmod +x typeyourfilename

Then you can execute it by typing


Or you can follow these steps


#But that is the fun in Linux.

You can do whatever Y O U want.

Share the knowledge.

I share my knowledge at http://erikdubois.be