Daily Diet Application

This repository contains the source code for a Daily Diet application. The application allows users to track their meals, including whether they are within or outside of their diet. It also provides metrics on the user's dietary habits.

Using Sqlite

  • set in .env DB_TYPE variable as sqlite DB_TYPE=sqlite

Using Postgres

  • follow docker process
  • set in .env DB_TYPE variable as pg DB_TYPE=pg


  • Docker installed on your machine

Running the Application with Docker

bash docker build -t daily-diet-app .

Building the Docker Image

  1. Open a terminal in the root directory of your project.
  2. Run the following command to build the Docker image:

This command builds a Docker image named daily-diet-app from the Dockerfile in the current directory.

Running the Docker Container

  1. After building the image, run the following command to start a Docker container:

bash docker start daily-diet-app

App Rules

  • It should be possible to create a user
  • It should be possible to identify the user between requests
  • It should be possible to register a meal made, with the following information:

The meals must be related to a user

  • Name

  • Description

  • Date and Time

  • Whether it is within or not the diet

  • It should be possible to edit a meal, being able to change all the data above

  • It should be possible to delete a meal

  • It should be possible to list all the meals of a user

  • It should be possible to view a single meal

  • It should be possible to retrieve the metrics of a user

  • Total number of meals registered

  • Total number of meals within the diet

  • Total number of meals outside the diet

  • Best sequence of meals within the diet

  • The user can only view, edit, and delete the meals they created

  • It should be possible to create another session/login with an existing user