Small system to read temperature and humidity using a DHT11 sensor over USB and transmitting to an influxdb instance.
- Atmega328p "Arduino Nano"
- DHT11 module
The DHT11 sensors I bought have the signal pin in the middle, so I just solder it into the gnd/mosi/vcc side of the ICSP header and use pin 11.
Compile and upload with is a simple utility to read the next line from the serial port, parse the JSON and send the data to the influxdb server. Set appropriate values in and cron it. reads the device and prints to stdout to test the setup.
Graph temp:
SELECT mean("value") FROM "temp" WHERE $timeFilter GROUP BY time($__interval), "room" fill(null)
Get latest temperature:
SELECT last("value") FROM "temp" GROUP BY "room"
Latest temperature as F:
SELECT last("value")*9.0/5.0+32.0 FROM "temp" GROUP BY "room"