
Erik's BrainFuck suite

Primary LanguageC

	-- Eriks BrainFuck compiler/interpreter/etc suite --

Compiling and Installing

== Intro ==

BrainFuck (bf) is a minimal language created by Urban Mller.  It
is basically a simple turing machine with two extra operations;
input and output.  This suite implements a bf to ansi C compiler,
bf to intel x86 (with both linux and bsd call conventions) compiler,
and an "interpreter".  All tools use the same lexer, parser and
optimizer code.

The interpreter is actually a JIT compiler to a bytecode with minimal
virtual machine (vm) implementation.  Compilation and execution
happens at the EOF character, so it's not really an interpreter.
I intend to allow immediate execution in the future, perhaps using
newline as a trigger to attempt compilation (if a newline occurs
inside of a loop construct, execution of the partially defined loop
does not make sense).

The intermediate code is a superset of the language.  The 'compacter'
and 'zero deducer' optimizers necessitated a broader set (numeric
constants, add, subtract, set) of opcodes.

My intent is to make this as readable and modular as possible.  The
original goal was to make a trivial system to experiment with various
optimization ideas. It's not "clever", fancy, or terribly impressive.

== Compiling and Installing

Standard autoconf system with no special configure knobs.

	$ ./configure && make install

== Status ==

Interpreter (bfi)	Functional. Not interactive.
Compiler to C		Functional, complete.
Compiler to x86 asm	Functional, complete.

	make interpreter interactive
	non-x86 asm output
	direct machine code output?
	boot sector interpreter for x86 (bf as an os)

== Links ==

All hail wikipedia, keeper of truthiness

Awesome stuff at this site

collection of shtuff

== Contact ==

erik@smluc.org, ``Erik on efnet or freenode