WordPress Console

CLI application inspired by artisan in Laravel framework. Based on the Symfony console component.

Instantiating in project

Install with composer

composer require erikgreasy/wp-console

create "cli" (alernative to artisan) file in the root of your project

#!/usr/bin/env php

use Erikgreasy\WpConsole\ConsoleApplication;

require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

// load WordPress so we can use WP functions in commands
require __DIR__ . '/web/wp/wp-load.php';

new ConsoleApplication(__DIR__ . '/commands');

Create directory for commands

mkdir commands

Autoload your commands with composer - add autoload into composer.json

"autoload": {
    "psr-4": {
        "PixelConsole\\": "commands"

and run

composer dump-autoload

Creating commands

To be able to create new commands, you need to instantiate the CLI in your project, following the steps higher.

php cli make:command CommandName

For more information about commands, refer to Symfony console docs.

Buil-in commands


  • db:dump - dumps the DB sql file into backup folder in the root of project
  • db:import file_name.sql - import the specified file_name.sql into your DB