
A Discord bot which interfaces with Robinhood API and CoinMarketCap API in order to provide real time quotes with added functionality such as watchlists.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A Discord bot which interfaces with Robinhood API and CoinMarketCap API in order to provide real time quotes with added functionality such as watchlists.

Written by Bryan C from IndieProgrammer.com, Youtube.com/IndieProgrammer

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Features / Commands

  • Type !quote SYMBOL to get a real time stock quote using Robinhood's API
  • Type !crypto SYMBOL or !crypto NAME to get a real time cryptocurrency quote using CoinMarketCap's API
  • Type !list to print quotes for each stock on your watchlist
  • Type !watch SYMBOL to add a stock to your watchlist
  • Type !unwatch SYMBOL to remove a stock from your watchlist

Known Issues / TODO

  • Requesting a quote for a stock that doesn't exist will cause an error with no message to the user
  • Requesting a quote for a cryptocurrency that doesn't exist will cause an error with no message to the user
  • Stocks that do not exist can be added to your watchlist, which will cause an error when the !list command is used


At this stage, the code in this repository likely contains many flaws, both known and unknown. The code presented here is purely for educational purposes.