
A script which lets you set your $terminal theme.

Primary LanguageShell


One theme script to rule them all.


  • 270+ preloaded themes.
  • Works on any terminal with OSC 4/11 support (e.g kitty, osx term)
  • Small, self contained and POSIX compliant.
  • Interactive theme selection (requires fzf)



  • Lets you easily switch themes inside of an open terminal.
  • Lets you configure st's colour theme without recompiling it :P
  • Lets you keep your shell's init file as the single source of truth.
  • Lets you script theme changes


Simply put theme.sh somewhere in your path.


sudo curl -o /usr/bin/theme.sh 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lemnos/theme.sh/master/theme.sh' && sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/theme.sh

or (OSX)

sudo curl -o /usr/local/bin/theme.sh 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lemnos/theme.sh/master/theme.sh' && sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/theme.sh


Usage: theme.sh [--light] [--dark] [-l|--list] [-i|--interactive] [-i2|--interactive2] [-r|--random] [-a|--add <kitty config>] <theme>
> theme.sh -l

> theme.sh zenburn


> theme.sh -i #Interactive theme selection (requires fzf)

Once you find something you like simply put

theme.sh <theme>

in your ~/.bashrc.


Recommended ~/.bashrc

To load the most recently selected theme automatically you can put

if command -v theme.sh > /dev/null; then
	[ -e ~/.theme_history ] && theme.sh "$(theme.sh -l|tail -n1)"

	# Optional  

	bind -x '"\x0f":"theme.sh $(theme.sh -l|tail -n2|head -n1)"' #Binds C-o to the previously active theme.
	alias th='theme.sh -i'

	# Interactively load a light theme
	alias thl='theme.sh --light -i'

	# Interactively load a dark theme
	alias thd='theme.sh --dark -i'

in your ~/.bashrc.

Recommended ~/.vimrc

colorscheme default
set notermguicolors
highlight Search ctermfg=0

The above makes vim play nicely with the stock terminal theme.

Adding Themes

Kitty style theme configs can be ingested via --add. The filename is used as the theme name.


curl -O 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dexpota/kitty-themes/master/themes/Solarized_Darcula.conf'
theme.sh --add Solarized_Darcula.conf
theme.sh Solarized_Darcula

If a theme with the same name already exists it will be overwritten.

Note that adding themes requires write access to the script and may require sudo for system-wide installations.

If you find a theme that is already not included in the script you are encouraged to submit a PR (see CONTRIBUTING.md).

Supported Terminals

Below is a list of terminals on which theme.sh is known to work:

  • kitty (not KiTTY)
  • gnome-terminal
  • terminator
  • st with the appropriate patch
  • Terminal.app (osx)
  • iTerm2
  • alacritty
  • urxvt (non interactively unless the truecolor patch is applied)
  • any libvte based terminal


  • Requires a shell that properly implements OSC 4/11.
  • Interactive mode also requires TRUECOLOR support (though the theme can still be set without it.)
  • May cause an imperceptible flash when you start your terminal.
  • Will not help you achieve enlightenment or improve your marriage.
  • May cause epilepsy.

Known issues

  • Will not work in screen (tmux uses the same TERM variable)