
An attempt to remaster a game I made a long time ago at school

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT

Zuul remastered

Simple tiling game originally built in java by me and a classmate. Now I am trying to recreate it as best I can in C using SDL just for fun.

Screenshot of zuul

Building for linux


  • SDL2
  • SDL2 image
  • SDL2 ttf
  • Meson
  • cJSON

Ubuntu apt install libsdl2-dev libsdl2-image-dev libsdl2-ttf-dev meson git libcjson

Arch yay -S sdl2 sdl2_image sdl2_ttf meson cjson

git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/erikkallen/zuul-remastered.git
cd zuul
mkdir build
cd build
meson setup ..


# Copy the assets.json to the directory you built the projects e.g. <project_root>/build
cp assets/assets.json build/
# Update paths in the assets file if needed
sed -i 's|"path": "../assets"|"path": "./new_assets_path"|g' build/assets.json
# Make sure you are in the directory where you built the project


meson test

Map making

For mapmaking I used Tiled. Currently the following features are supported in the engine:

  • Multiple layers
  • Animations using the tiled animation editor
  • Multiple size tiles should work (tested 32, 16 and 128px)
  • Primitive map loading using objects with a string property called "warp" and the value is the name of the map and coordinates on the destination map: map.tmj:x,y

Thanks to the following projects for their awesome tools/libraries/inspiration