
Shows some different approaches to querying data in Vaadin 14.

Primary LanguageJavaThe UnlicenseUnlicense


Before starting the application, run mvn install.

Start the application either by running org.vaadin.erik.Application in your IDE or by running mvn.

The data views

Every data view implements the master-detail view in a different way. The should all support the same functinality, which is:

  • List persons
  • Sort persons
  • Insert a new person
  • Update an existing person
  • Throw an OptimisticLockException upon saving an existing entity if the version in the database is newer.


For your convenience, the generated jOOQ metadata is checked into the repository.

It can be re-generated by running mvn generate-sources -Pjooq.

The application must have been started before this, giving Hibernate a chance to generate the database structure.