TL; DR: I'm using pyenv with virtualenv on Arch Linux and want to use the latest community.digitalocean collection with ansible running from the venv. Regardless of attempting to set the ansible_python_interpreter=python (which most of google suggests is the issue), I don't believe this to be the problem based on the -vvvv output, where it appears to be using the right interpreter. The following is the complaint:


dopy >= 0.3.2 required for this module

Reproducer Steps

  • Create a file at the checkout root called vault-pass.txt with a desired vault passphrase.
  • Navigate to playbooks/ and create an initial my_vars.yml copying from my_vars.yml.ex
  • Create a new ssh key in desired location (I used ~/.ssh)
  • Update my_vars.yml to set the location where the new ssh key was created and also set the var with the name of the private key. Set ssh_key_email to be the one set when creating the ssh key.
  • Create a new API key with Digital Ocean
  • Create a do.vault file in playbooks/ using ansible-vault with a single var called do_api_key. This should have the contents of your new DO API key.
  • Install and configure pyenv
  • pyenv install 3.10.8 && pyenv global 3.10.8
  • pip install virtualenv
  • virtualenv .venv && source ./.venv/bin/activate
  • pip install -r requirements.txt
  • export ANSIBLE_COLLECTIONS_PATH=$(pwd)/.venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/ansible_collections
  • cd playbooks
  • ./