
Sample of sending IAQ core c data with a ESP8266 via mqtt

Primary LanguageC

Code for reading a IAQ core-c interal air quality sensor and sending the CO2 and TVOC values to home assistant via MQTT

This code is meant to be used to read a AMS IAQ core-c sensor with a ESP8266.

The code makes use of the brzo library: https://github.com/pasko-zh/brzo_i2c (included in this repository)

To use the code, make sure you fill in your wifi details and Home assistant details.

IAQ core C / mqtt sample

Code for reading a IAQ core-c interal air quality sensor and sending the CO2 and TVOC values via MQTT. I used this code to send the values to home assistant, but you can use it for pretty much any application that accepts MQTT messages.

Getting Started

I use a ESP8266-ESP12, I use the folowing wiring schematic:



hardware: ESP-12 or equivalant IAQ core-c

The code is Arduino ide code, make sure you have installed the Arduino ide, and the ESP8266 arduino core, wich you can find at https://github.com/esp8266/Arduino


If you like to improve my code, feel free to create a pull request


  • Erik Lemcke - Initial work


This project is licensed under the MIT License