
tweets stuff about achaea

Primary LanguageHaskellMIT LicenseMIT

Achaea Twitter Bot

Providing real-time game information on twitter.


  • Weekly class usage statistics
  • Top 3 players posted every day and week
  • Worst 3 players posted every day
  • Stores data for 30 days

Planned features

  • Raid alerts


See Issues



$ git clone https://github.com/narrative/achaeabot.git
$ cd achaeabot
$ stack build
$ stack exec achaeabot-exe

The environment variables ACHAEACONSUMERKEY, ACHAEACONSUMERSECRET, ACHAEATOKEN, and ACHAEATOKENSECRET are used for Twitter authentication. Visit Twitter Developers for information on obtaining access tokens.

Additionally, the bot requires redis-server to be running on the default port (6379).

Running the (non-existent) tests

$ stack test