
A lab for learning Docker and Core OS

Docker Lab

Install Docker


Use a simple throwaway container

$ docker run -it --rm busybox /bin/sh
  • docker run - Start a docker container.
  • -it - Interactive, pass stdin (-i) as a tty, pass signals (-t).
  • --rm - Remove the container once it is stopped.
  • busybox - A minimal docker image
  • /bin/sh - The command to run, start a shell.

Use a simple "persistent" container

$ docker run -it busybox /bin/sh

Same as before, but no --rm to remove the container once you exit.

Run some commands, create a couple of files, then exit.

# List all containers, including stopped
$ docker ps --all

# List all running containers
$ docker ps

# List all container IDs
$ docker ps --all -q

# List latest container including stopped
$ docker ps -l

# Remove the latest container
$ docker rm $(docker ps -l -q)

Build an image interactively

# Start a debian image or (ubuntu)
$ docker run -it debian:jessie /bin/bash

# Install some stuff
$ exit

$ docker ps -l -q

# Commit the image
$ docker commit 38bbf0b3eb74 yourname:atag

$ docker images
REPOSITORY               TAG         IMAGE ID            CREATED             VIRTUAL SIZE
yourname                 atag        06c6650f1766        3 seconds ago       2.433 MB
lifelog/nginx-confd      latest      7b181acb34c6        About an hour ago   225.9 MB
lifelog/nginx-confd      v1.0.0      7b181acb34c6        About an hour ago   225.9 MB

Build an image with a Dockerfile

$ mkdir mydir
$ cd mydir
$ vi Dockerfile
$ docker build -t yourname:btag .

Containers with environment variables

  • Use docker run -e VARIABLE=VALUE
  • Use ENV in Dockerfile
  • Use docker run --env-file env

Containers with ports

  • Use docker run -p 8080:80
  • Use docker run -p 8080
  • Use EXPOSE in Dockerfile
  • Use docker --link

Containers with volumes

  • Use docker run -v $(PWD):/tmp/local
  • Use docker run -v /tmp/whereami
  • Use VOLUME in Dockerfile
  • Use docker --volumes-from

Core OS

Start a Core OS cluster


Create some more advanced services


Write a service that uses etcd and launch it into the cluster

  • Länka ihop med en environment variables
  • Använda volumer
  • Använda --link
  • Använda --volumes-from