- 1
Polymer lint warnings
#171 opened by millimetha - 5
Update to work with Web Component v1 Specs
#162 opened by itsMattShull - 2
Still in development?
#169 opened by rchrdnsh - 0
adding an observer
#168 opened by chisholmd - 1
Publish on npm and document it
#167 opened by lastmjs - 8
Preload route
#166 opened by bohdaq - 0
Base tag and respect to import location
#165 opened by OmidHekayati - 2
Binding with custom names
#163 opened by oesleik - 5
- 1
How to deploy app to sub-directory
#160 opened by jaichandra - 3
Data binding with webcomponents
#128 opened by jmalonzo - 0
Make scrollToHash configurable
#158 opened by web-padawan - 1
- 0
DOM exception is thrown in Safari when using Polymer 1.x in Shady DOM mode
#154 opened by web-padawan - 3
can not Data Binding
#146 opened by hzmsrv - 0
package.json should contain a version attribute
#150 opened by kmturley - 3
undefined function when using csp version
#107 opened by fredtma - 2
Lifecycle events are effectively fired twice
#149 opened by FLamparski - 2
Microsoft Edge Browser issue
#137 opened by michaelonubogu - 0
- 4
- 1
300ms delay
#116 opened by matteocrippa - 2
Startup route
#138 opened by MaciejHanajczyk - 0
- 0
- 5
Update model if query parameter is removed
#125 opened by drarmstr - 20
Is there any plan on moving to Polymer 1.0?
#127 opened by devAtPolydeals - 0
Unable to import app-route from app-router
#136 opened by fmgda - 1
/deep/ combinator is deprecated.
#135 opened by OlsonDev - 2
- 2
Binding the actual selection
#131 opened by Alienuser - 1
- 1
- 1
Regarding route path to a specific page rather than linked imported element.
#123 opened by andrewbhennessy - 4
Hero Transitions
#124 opened by ChrisMcKenzie - 1
History state on popstate/state-change
#126 opened by jmalonzo - 15
Polymer 0.8 compatibility
#111 opened by teckays - 1
- 4
Getting warnings: "Attributes on xx-xx were data bound prior to Polymer upgrading the element. This may result in incorrect binding types."
#118 opened by gjdev - 5
Router strips `#` from url params
#121 opened by teckays - 4
send authentication header on route
#117 opened by Mipme - 1
Does app-router support dynamically created routes?
#114 opened by araad - 2
- 1
GET form submission parameter not passed
#113 opened by teckays - 1
two-way binding back to the actual URL
#112 opened by liebrand - 1
on router.go - polymer-ready event isn't being called, on manual refresh it gets called
#115 opened by harpreetkhalsagtbit - 1
PushState Refresh or external link
#110 opened by mrnine - 1
- 0
Can not route on search parameters
#108 opened by liebrand - 3