
A full-stack simple calculator

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Full-stack project that tries to show different concepts of backend in Python/Flask and frontend with JavaScript/React to build a simple calculator.


  • CLI interface
  • Basic API
  • React Fronted
  • Unittests
  • Dockerfile


  • Python3
  • GNU Make
  • Nodejs
  • Yarn
  • Docker (optional)

Getting started

To see in action open http://calculator.rivera.pro

To get it running locally with Docker:

$ docker pull erikriver/calculator:latest
$ docker run -it -p 5000:5000 erikriver/calculator:latest

If you prefer get it running locally run the following after cloning the repository:

$ make all

and open in your web browser the url http://localhost:5000/ or you can run it by steps:

$ make backend       # Install and configure a Python virtual environment with their packages
$ make frontend      # Install and build the React frontend
$ make run           # run the project


There is an CLI calculator to evaluate expressions as an argument, you follow this steps in the root of the repository to try it:

$ make backend
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ cd backend/
$ python app.py --expr 22+45-3


$  python app.py
Arithmetic expression:

  • The expresions have four operators +, -, /, x
  • You can run multiple operations in the same expresion: 42/34x5-12
  • it doesn't matter if it contains spaces between operations 2.5 + 2.7, 4x .3 -5.0
  • Catch exceptions if the expression is malformed 3/2x+3, 45.3-7.1+
  • You can use float numbers like .12 or 0.12, i. e. .56 - 0.23