
Simple tool to backup and restore ChromeOS Crostini containers

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Simple tool to backup and restore ChromeOS Crostini containers, influenced by the excelent readme on Reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/Crostini/wiki/howto/backup


Demo Video



  • Open a Crosh termainal using ctrl+alt+t
  • Start a new session vsh termina
  • Copy the backup binary to /mnt/stateful/lxd_conf

The latest release can be found, in the Releases section, select the correct file for your archictecture.

Example Linux AMD64:

(termina) chronos@localhost ~ $ curl -L https://github.com/nicholasjackson/crostini-backup-restore/releases/download/v0.0.3/crostini-backup-restore_0.0.3_Linux_amd64.tar.gz -o /mnt/stateful/lxd_conf/backup.tar.gz
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100   639    0   639    0     0    193      0 --:--:--  0:00:03 --:--:--  2158
100  752k  100  752k    0     0   138k      0  0:00:05  0:00:05 --:--:--  660k

cd /mnt/stateful/lxd_conf
tar -zxf backup.tar.gz 

Using backup

A full list of options can be found by running backup with the help flag

(termina) chronos@localhost /mnt/stateful/lxd_conf $ ./backup --help
Usage of ./backup:
  -backup-location string
        Location to backup container (default "/mnt/stateful/lxd_conf")
  -container string
        Name of the container to backup (default "penguin")
  -snapshot-prefix string
        Prefix of the snapshot to take, snapshots will have time appended to them (default "backup-snapshot")
  -username string
        Crostini username e.g. jacksonnic (default "chronos")

To backup a Crostini container use the following command, replace container with your own container name and username with your own username:

(termina) chronos@localhost /mnt/stateful/lxd_conf $ ./backup -container penguin --username jacksonnic
Crostini Backup and Restore tool version: dev
Starting backup, WARNING: This operation can take a long time

Stopping container penguin

Creating snapshot of container:penguin name:backup-snapshot-85563359

Publish container: penguin to penguin-backup
If the container publish is interupted, your container may be left in a bad state,
in this instance you can restore the snapshot using the command: lxc restore penguin backup-snapshot-85563359
Container published with fingerprint: d9468e72eeaa7d74a73eb39654fe278a14535a20b450077df672071c6b87d689

Exporting container to: /mnt/stateful/lxd_conf
Image exported successfully!           

Splitting backup into 3GB chunks

Starting container penguin
Mounting backup path /mnt/stateful/lxd_conf into container penguin
Device lxd-conf added to penguin

Moving backup files to /home/jacksonnic in container penguin

The backup files will be output into your Linux Files folder in 3GB chunks. Once the backup has completed you can move these to external storage for safe storage.


To test backup use an empty temporary container, this can be created using the following steps:

(termina) chronos@localhost /mnt/stateful/lxd_conf $ lxc init 980e37d286ad tester
Creating tester
(termina) chronos@localhost /mnt/stateful/lxd_conf $ lxc start tester

You can then run a test backup on this container:

(termina) chronos@localhost /mnt/stateful/lxd_conf $ ./backup -container tester
Crostini Backup and Restore tool version: dev
Starting backup, WARNING: This operation can take a long time

Stopping container tester

Creating snapshot of container:tester name:backup-snapshot-85563359

Publish container: tester to tester-backup
If the container publish is interupted, your container may be left in a bad state,
in this instance you can restore the snapshot using the command: lxc restore tester backup-snapshot-85563359
Container published with fingerprint: d9468e72eeaa7d74a73eb39654fe278a14535a20b450077df672071c6b87d689

Exporting container to: /mnt/stateful/lxd_conf
Image exported successfully!           

Splitting backup into 3GB chunks

Starting container tester
Mounting backup path /mnt/stateful/lxd_conf into container tester
Device lxd-conf added to tester

Moving backup files to /home/chronos in container tester

The backup files will be stored in the home folder /home/chronos, you can validate that these are present with the follwing command:

(termina) chronos@localhost /mnt/stateful/lxd_conf $ lxc exec tester -- ls -las /home/chronos
total 318040
     0 drwxr-xr-x 1 root root        46 Jan 21 15:44 .
     0 drwxr-xr-x 1 root root        14 Jan 21 15:44 ..
318040 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 325670095 Jan 21 15:44 tester-backup.tar.gz.aa

You can now delete the temporary container

lxc delete tester --force