Sample TS Storybook NextJS

initial start

  • run git pull (pull latest changes)
  • run npm i (install all packages)
  • run npm run dev (start development server) (see "Starting the development server")

Starting the development server

  • This is a NextJS Application built with ReactJS + Typescript
  • To start a development server that makes changes instantly with hot-module reload, run npm run dev
  • To access the development site, go to localhost:8000

Building the NextJS Application

  • Building the NextJS Application involves redering React Code into static HTML, CSS, and JS files that are served to the client. They are then served to the client via a server or CDN.
  • To build and simulate the application in production, use npm run build and then npm start. The "production" site will be live again at localhost:8000

Pre-Build script

  • Before the application builds there is a pre-build script which populates categories.db, configurations.db, and templates.db as cache so that these files can be used during the build process
  • This script also checks against the current backend version number
  • An initial script called runner.ts runs all files in the pre-build directory
    • Right now there is just one called build-cache.ts


  • We use Storybook to build and manage UI components
  • To run the storybook interface locally, run npm run storybook