
Introduction to programmability with python.

Cisco Partner Interactive Webinar Series FY20 - Programmability Fundamentals

Welcome to the FY20 edition of the partner interactive webinar (PIW) series focused on programmability. In this repository you will find a written version of the content covered during our 4 technical fundamentals sessions.

This content is intended for you to follow along and try out. Programming is learned by doing so each section includes tips and tricks, common pitfalls and exercises with solutions for you to solve.

⚠️ This is a common pitfall or warning.

🔧 Here you will find some background information.

💻 This is an exercises. They might contain sample code that you need to extend upon like this:

Modify the code so that it says hello and includes your name


For these exercises you will find solutions. You can view the solution by clicking on the text

Click here to show solution
print("Hello Marcel")


Introduction to Python

Python is one of the most popular programming languages of our time and the powerhouse behind most of Cisco’s API efforts. If there is a Cisco API chances are high that there will be a software development kit for that API in python.

In part one of this three-parted training we will start from scratch and get familiar with the basic concepts of python like variables, loops and functions. Go to session

In part two of this three-parted training we will build on the basics from last week to explore some more advanced data structures like dictionaries and sets. We will also get acquainted with some of the useful modules that come included with the python standard library. Go to session

In the final part of this three-parted training we will use the knowledge acquired over the past weeks to build a small python project from start to finish Go to session

REST API Fundamentals

REST (Representational state transfer) is the most common API framework based on HTTP(S) and an essential part of Programmability. In this session we will provide you with the technical background on REST API as well as a practical introduction on how to consume and use REST APIs with python. Go to session

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