
Terraform provider for https://www.cloudconformity.com

Building the provider

In this section you will learn how to build and tun terraform-provider-cloudconformity locally. Please follow the steps below:


Setting up your environment

Create the environment variables below:



The GOPATH can be set wherever you want but please read this topic to understand how they work.

Clone repository to: $GOPATH/src/github.com/erikvanbrakel/terraform-provider-cloudconformity


Download the binary for your platform and architecture from the releases page. Unpack the zip, and place the terraform-provider-cloudconformity binary in the same directory as the terraform binary or add a .terraformrc with the provider stanza:

providers {
    cloudconformity = "/PATH/TO/MODULE/ARCH/terraform-provider-cloudconformity"


data "cloudconformity_external_id" "exid" {}

resource "aws_cloudformation_stack" "cloud-conformity" {

  name         = "CloudConformity"

  template_url = "https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/cloudconformity/CloudConformity.template"

  parameters {
    AccountId  = "717210094962"
    ExternalId = "${data.cloudconformity_external_id.exid.id}"

  capabilities = ["CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM"]


resource "cloudconformity_account" "account" {
  name        = "My Account"
  environment = "My Environment"

  external_id = "${data.cloudconformity_external_id.exid.id}"
  role_arn    = "${aws_cloudformation_stack.cloud-conformity.outputs["CloudConformityRoleArn"]}"

For more information, please see the documentation.