Custom element to set document title. Avoid typing the same title in the page and in the header. Makes it possible to use Polymer data binding for the title.
Install the component using Bower:
$ bower install upper88-title --save
Or download as ZIP.
Import polyfill:
<script src="bower_components/webcomponentsjs/webcomponents.min.js"></script>
Import custom element:
<link rel="import" href="bower_components/upper88-title/upper88-title.html">
Start using it!
Avoid typing the same title twice:
<h1><upper88-title>My <strong>cool</strong> Homepage</upper88-title></h1>
Set title as an attribute:
<upper88-title value="My Homepage"></upper88-title>
Use data binding for the title:
<upper88-title value="[[title]]"></upper88-title> Note that you need to use the attribute if you need data binding.
Attribute | Options | Default | Description |
value | String | none | The title. Set as both element innerHtml and (without html tags) document.title |
For detailed changelog, check Releases.