This repository contains the code used in our ICLR 2023 paper, Emergence of Maps in the Memories of Blind Navigation Agents. The intent of this repository is for documentations purposes. If you'd like to build upon our experiments, we highly suggest you use this repository as a reference but build upon the latest version of habitat-lab and habitat-sim. Those have both advanced and improved considerably since we began this work.
This contains the DD-PPO implementation used for training agents and probes. -
. This contains the code to build the episodes for training probes. (Referred to as stage 2 episodes.) -
. This contains the code to evaluate agents and probes. -
. This contains the code to build the dataset needed to prediction agent positions and decoding maps. -
. This creates a cache for training the top-down visitation models and occupancy prediction models. -
. This trains the top-down visited and occupancy map models. The top-down visited models are for easier visualization. Seenav_analysis/map_extraction/viz/
for visualization of past prediction andnav_analysis/map_extraction/viz/
for a visualization of occupancy prediction. -
. This trains the position predictors used bynav_analysis/map_extraction/training/
. -
contains the web-app we used to manually annotation excursions. -
builds a collision detection dataset. This can then be used withnav_analysis/map_extraction/training/
to train collision detectors.
In the launchery
folder, there are helper scripts for launching experiments. Most of these would highly benefit from parallelization depending on your cluster environment. Some are already parallelized using SLURM.
LoopNav. This corresponds to the T->S probe.
TeleportNav. This corresponds to the S->T probe.
Tested on Ubuntu 16, 18, and 20.
Install miniconda/anaconda:
Install environment:
conda env create -f environment.yml
Add habitat API to PYTHONPATH
export PYTHONPATH=$(pwd)/habitat-api-emergence-of-maps:${PYTHONPATH}
Expected installation time: 10 minutes
All data will be put into a data/
folder in the root directory of the repo. One will be created automatically if it is missing, but if your system setup requires that data is kept on a different partition/mount, create a folder there and symlink it to data/
To demo training an agent and a probe, first download the Habitat demo data:
python scripts/
Then train an agent with
python -u -m nav_analysis.train_ppo_distrib \
--extra-confs \
nav_analysis/configs/experiments/loopnav/loopnav_sparse_pg_blind.yaml \
nav_analysis/configs/experiments/loopnav/stage_1.yaml \
This should take around an hour on a 1 GPU machine and get to about 95% success.
Then generate probe training episodes with
python -u -m nav_analysis.rl.build_stage_2_episodes \
--model-paths-glob data/checkpoints/demo/ckpt.0.pth \
--sample-per-scene 1000.0
This should take around 5 minutes
Then train a T->S (loopnav) probe with
python -u -m nav_analysis.train_ppo_distrib \
--extra-confs \
nav_analysis/configs/experiments/loopnav/loopnav_sparse_pg_blind.yaml \
nav_analysis/configs/experiments/loopnav/stage_2_trained_state.yaml \
nav_analysis/configs/experiments/demo.yaml \
--opts \
"logging.checkpoint_folder=data/checkpoints/demo-loopnav" \
This should take around an hour and reach >98% success.
and finally evaluate the agent/probe pair with
python -u -m nav_analysis.evaluate_ppo \
--exit-immediately \
--checkpoint-model-dir data/checkpoints/demo-loopnav \
--sim-gpu-ids 0 \
--pth-gpu-id 0 \
--num-processes 2 \
--log-file demo.eval.log \
--count-test-episodes 100 \
--video 0 \
--out-dir-video demo_video \
--eval-task-config tasks/loopnav/demo.loopnav.yaml \
--nav-task loopnav \
--tensorboard-dir "runs/demo-loopnav" \
--nav-env-verbose 0
Evaluation should take around 2 minutes. Stage 1 SPL is the agent's SPL and Stage 2 SPL is the probe's SPL. Probe SPL will be higher than agent SPL.
Next, create the episodes to train the position predictors and map decoder.
python -u -m \
--model-path data/checkpoints/demo-loopnav/ckpt.0.pth \
--num-processes 2 \
--task-config tasks/loopnav/demo.loopnav.yaml \
--num-val 50 \
--num-train 200 \
--output-path data/map_extraction/demo
This should take around 10 minutes
Then create the map cache
python -u -m \
--positions-output data/map_extraction/demo
This should take under a minute
Then train the map predictor
python -u -m \
--dset-path data/map_extraction/demo \
--model-save-name data/demo-occ-predictor \
--epochs 10
This should take a few minutes and reach around 40 Val IoU
A predictor for where the agent will be in k
steps (5 steps in the past with this demo) can be trained as follows:
python -u -m \
--time-offset -5 \
--val-dataset data/map_extraction/demo_val.lmdb \
--train-dataset data/map_extraction/demo_train.lmdb \
--chance-run False \
--mode "train"
This should take a few minutes and reach a best val L2 error of less than 0.2