Implementation of some basic GAN architectures in Keras

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Networks

Implementation of a few types of Generative Adversarial Networks in Keras.


1) ACGAN-MNIST (Auxilary Classifier GAN)

  • Train an ACGAN on the MNIST dataset using class priors. Inputs are (100) dimensional noise vectors along with (10) dimensional class vectors (conditioning) and the outputs are generated (1,28,28) images
  • Samples of generated outputs at various epochs in ACGAN-MNIST/Run1/Results
  • Trained generator and discriminator models in ACGAN-MNIST/Run1/Models
  • Generated samples in ACGAN-MNIST/Samples
  • The samples generated are much sharper than other generative methods such as variational autoencoders etc.
  • Some cherry picked generations below

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2) DCGAN-MNIST (Deep Convolutional GAN)

  • Train a DCGAN on the MNIST dataset without any class priors. Inputs are (100) dimensional noise vectors and the outputs are generated (1,28,28) images
  • Samples of generated outputs in DCGAN-MNIST/GeneratedOutputs
  • Trained generator and discriminator models in DCGAN-MNIST/TrainedModels
  • Generated digit samples below

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Note: Training the GAN for longer would give us much better results, which are not as blurry.