____      _ _       _  __        __                               
 / ___|___ | | | __ _| |_\ \      / / __ __ _ _ __  _ __   ___ _ __ 
| |   / _ \| | |/ _` | '_ \ \ /\ / / '__/ _` | '_ \| '_ \ / _ \ '__|
| |__| (_) | | | (_| | |_) \ V  V /| | | (_| | |_) | |_) |  __/ |   
 \____\___/|_|_|\__,_|_.__/ \_/\_/ |_|  \__,_| .__/| .__/ \___|_|   
                                             |_|   |_|              

This is a standalone version of the collabwrapper.  You can make
collabwrapper.py importable by your activity, and then use a try/catch
for the import, eg:

        from sugar3.presence.wrapper import CollabWrapper
        from sugar3.presence.filetransfer import FT_STATE_COMPLETED
    except ImportError:
        from collabwrapper import CollabWrapper

You can then use CollabWrapper and the filetransfer module normally.

For documentation see: http://people.sugarlabs.org/sam/docs-collab-wrapper-try2/sugar3.presence.wrapper.html