
Spectrum is a first-order logic theorem prover, written in C++, that implements SIG-Res, an inference system that couples together SInst-Gen and ordered resolution into a single inference system.

Primary LanguageC


Spectrum is a first-order logic theorem prover that implements SIG-Res, an inference system that couples together SInst-Gen and ordered resolution into a single inference system. In SIG-Res, given a set F of first order clauses we create two sets, P and R, each a subset of F. Under SIG-Res, P is saturated by SInst-Gen and resolution is applied to pairs of clauses in P ∪ R where at least one of the clauses is in R.


  • Lynch, C., McGregor R.E., Combining Instance Generation and Resolution, in 7th International Symposium on Frontiers of Combining Systems, (FroCos ’09), volume 5749 of LNCS, 2009, pp. 304-318, Springer