
Subreddit recommender system using Apache Spark

Primary LanguagePython


SOEN 498 Project - Winter 2018

Erin Benderoff 27768478
Francis Bouchard 26786812

Description of Files:
als-recommender.py Script that runs ALS algorithm on the sample dataset, evaluates the model and generates top 10 subreddit recommendations for a subset of users.

frequentitemsets.py Script that was run on Google Cloud cluster. Runs FP-Growth algorithm to obtain frequent itemsets and association rules on the February 2018 dataset.

fp_growth_merge_and_print_results.py Script that takes the output of the FP-Growth script (saved as parquet files), merges them into a single dataframe and writes the frequent itemsets to a file in order of descending itemset size and descending frequency.

frequentLoad.py Script that loads the FP-Growth results and displays the association rules.

als-output.txt Output of ALS user recommendations

fp-growth-output.txt Output of FP-Growth frequent itemsets

association-rules-output.txt Output of FP-Growth association rules

sample_data.json Sample data file used for ALS recommender