Primary LanguageHTML


Directory structure

  • data
    • Will never be committed to git, but contains several datasets for the project
  • models
    • Each directory corresponds to a particular model. So far we have two models to write for Desmond's dataset. A more detailed description of the model can be found in the README.md at the top of that model's directory.

Model ideas

  • Try an RNN model with timestep=10ms and repeat features that cover multiple timesteps.
    1. make numpy array x^t for the first timestep, for the first participant, a concatenated vector of all features
    2. look at this tutorial and this tutorial

git + Dropbox


these instructions will work for mac and linux, but not windows

If you're working on git, clone this repo somewhere else on your computer. Make a symbolic link as the data folder into your cloned repo. Do not make changes in the Dropbox folder itself.

ln -s ~/Dropbox/Stanford\ AVEC\ Team\ Folder/AVEC17/data .

When you push, use ./push.sh or sh push.sh. This script will push to github, and then go to the Dropbox folder to pull the changes. You might need to change the location of the Dropbox folder in push.sh.

Let Erin know when (not if) this system fails.