# Namebadge Printer Prints PDF name badges to fit Avery name badges. Looks up data from a CSV. Jonathan Andrew Wolter, 2008 modified by Erin Bennett, 2018 Set up for Avery badges that are 4"x3". ## Install Dependencies * install [pip](https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/installing/) * `pip install reportlab` * `wget https://identity.stanford.edu/downloads/SU_New_BlockStree_2color_darkbgrd.png` * download your CSV file (e.g. from Google Sheets) ## Usage Replace `[CSV filename]` with the actual CSV filename and run the following: `python spreadsheet_badge_printer.py --f [CSV filename]`
Prints PDF name badges to fit Avery name badges. Looks up data from a google spreadsheet (which was using the Form submission feature to retrieve signups for a conference.)