
Example of ag-Grid running with React

Primary LanguageJavaScript

ag-grid React Performance POC

How to run


  • run npm install
  • run npm install -g json-server
  • open terminal in ./grid-data directory and run: json-server 100x2000_rowData.json --watch --read-only true
  • open another terminal in root directory and run: npm start
  • navigate to http://localhost:8080

How to regenerate grid-data jsons


  • Alter gridDataGenerator.js file with needed changes (different column count, different row count, etc)
  • open new terminal and run: node gridDataGenerator.js
  • If row count or column count was changed you need to re-run json server: json-server {ColumnCount}x{RowCount}_rowData.json --watch --read-only true