
Useful material for beginners who wants to learn programming


Useful material for beginners who wants to learn programming


  • Most of the tutorial platforms/video players (e.g.: Youtube) has speed up function for video play. It is very useful to speed up video to 1.5x speed (sometimes even 2.0x speed is still understandable) so you could watch content faster (after few seconds brain adapts to faster speaking and it seems that you are listening in normal speed)

  • If video touches some topic slightly but does not provide enough details for you google that specific topic or find a video on that topic alone in order to fully understand how it works before continiouing further to other topics.

Programming fundamentals

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  1. Introduction to Programming - Youtube


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.NET (.Net Framework / ASP.Net Core framework)

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  1. TODO

Programing languages

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C# (csharp) [.NET]

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  1. TODO

Integrated Development Studios (IDEs)

In order to start coding you need to have a tool which allows to write code and compile it so it would be possible to run programs.

Visual Studio [.NET]

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  1. TODO