Playground for wdio questions

How to run it:

  1. Chrome internet browser (Official chrome website)
  2. Node.js installed (Official Node.js website)
  3. Newest versions of Python 2 installed and added to system PATH (Official Python website)
    (it's needed in order to use webdriver-io cli (@wdio/cli) package)
  4. Selenium webdriver manager npm package installed globally: npm i -g webdriver-manager
    (this lib is used to start selenium standalone driver. By default it installs only chrome browser driver)
  5. Update webdriver-manager binaries with webdriver-manager update --standalone command
  6. Restore npm packages use command: npm i (in root project directory)
  7. Start selenium standalone server: webdriver-manager start (in separate command line)
  8. Run the tests with following command: npm run e2e (in root project directory)