
📜 Fullstack Django blog app implemented using Django 3 with MVT architecture.

Primary LanguagePython

Blog App

Fullstack Django blog app implemented using Django 3 with MVT (Model-View-Template) architecture and CVBs (Class-Based-Views).

Hosted example: https://blog-app-django-fullstack.herokuapp.com/

Test Credentials:

Username: test
Password: testpassword


$ pipenv install



$ pipenv shell
$ python manage.py migrate


$ pipenv shell
$ python manage.py runserver

Deploy to Heroku

Create a Heroku app:

$ heroku create <app-name>

Set up Heroku Remote Git:

$ git remote set-url heroku <remote-heroku-git-url>

Push to Heroku for Deployment:

$ git push heroku master

NOTE: make sure all changes are commit to git before running this command

Creating the PostgreSQL DB:

$ heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev --app=<app-name>

Apply Migrations to PostgreSQL DB:

$ heroku run python manage.py migrate

Create Superuser:

$ heroku run python manage.py createsuperuser


$ heroku logs --tail