
A co-living management platform that aims to ease the experience of living together

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is Group 7's NUS-ISS Designing Modern Software Systems project.

Group Members:

Tech Stack

Frontend ReactTS
Backend Node.js, Express.js, Socket.io
Database MongoDB
Project Management JIRA

Project Setup

Tech Stack


Ensure you have Node.js installed in your PC. You can check by running node -v, it should return the version of Node you have.

If you don't have node installed on your machine, refer to their installation guide for details.

If you want to run multiple node versions and you're using unix or WSL use nvm.

Our project is compatible with Node versions: 14.x, 16.x, 18.x, 20.x

MongoDB Atlas

This project requires a MongoDB Atlas account. (Sign up / sign in).

Set up .env

Duplicate .env.sample file and fill in with the agreed-upon values.

Note: DB_CLOUD_URI is used for ENV=PROD and DB_CLOUD_URI_TEST is used for ENV=TEST

Running Env

To run this project, ensure that you've created a backend/.env file based on the .env.sample, and run the following commands from the project root:

# Install dependencies
npm i
npm run install-dep

# Run the project (frontend and backend concurrently)
npm run dev

# Run the project (frontend and backend independently)
cd frontend && npm run start
cd backend && npm run dev