SEI Cheetahs Class Information

Welcome to your Software Engineering Immersive!

Welcome, SEI Cheetahs! This repository will be used for most of the information you will need as students. This includes important links, contact information, etc.

For more resources, including General Assembly Guidelines, course templates, cheatsheets, and other resources, visit this repo's Wiki Page.

Table of Contents

Course Leadership

Role Name Slack Email GitHub Enterprise
Instructional Lead Unit 1 Daniel Goldman @Daniel Goldman dan-goldman
Instructional Lead Units 2-4 Suresh Sigera @Suresh Melvin Sigera sureshmelvinsigera
Instructional Lead Units 2-4 Casey Harding @Casey Harding CRHarding
Instructional Associate Units 1-2 Mikayda Mills @mikayda Mills kdabug
Instructional Associate Unit 2 Maddy Rombes @Maddy Rombes romebeez
Instructional Associate Units 3-4 Shay Kelley @Shay Kelley shayk
Instructional Associate Misha Kessler @Misha Kessler mishakessler
Teaching Assistant Week 1 Maddy Rombes @Maddy Rombes romebeez
Teaching Assistant Weeks 2-15 Mary Chapman @Mary Chapman marychapman
Outcomes Advisor Daniel Robinson @Dan Robinson

Course Calendar & Schedule

Important Dates

Date Day of Week Event
November 12 Tuesday First Day of Class!
November 28th, 29th Thursday, Friday Thanksgiving Holiday
December 23rd - 27th Monday - Friday Winter Holiday
December 30th, 31st Monday, Tuesday NYE Holiday
January 1st Wednesday NYE Holiday
February 17th Monday Presidents' Day
February 20th Thursday Last Day of Class!

Course Breakdown (By Unit)

Unit 1

Front-End Web Development Foundations - HTML, CSS, & JavaScript

  • Week 111/12 to 11/15/19
  • Week 211/18 to 11/22/19
  • Week 311/25 to 11/27/19 – Project 1
    • Thanksgiving Break

Unit 2

Front-End JavaScript Frameworks and Advanced JS - React

  • Week 412/02 to 12/06/19
  • Week 512/09 to 12/13/19
  • Week 612/16 to 12/20/19 – Project 2
    • Holiday & NYE Break

Unit 3

Back-End & Full Stack Web Development Foundations - MVC, Node.js, Express, PostgreSQL, & Sequelize

  • Week 7 – Off
  • Week 801/02 to 01/03/20
  • Week 901/06 to 01/10/20
  • Week 1001/13 to 01/17/20 – Project 3 Begins
    • Martin Luther King Jr. Day
  • Week 1101/21 to 01/22/20 – Project 3 Cont'd

Unit 4

Additional Technologies & Independent Work - Ruby on Rails, Final Project

  • Week 1101/23 to 01/24/20
  • Week 1201/27 to 01/31/20
  • Week 1302/03 to 02/07/20
  • Week 1402/10 to 02/14/20 – Project 4
    • Presidents' Day
  • Week 15 - 2/18 to 2/20/20 – Project 4 Cont'd
    • 2/20/20 - Graduation Day!

Unit 5 (AKA Outcomes)

Resumés, LinkedIn, Job Applications, Oh My!

Week Breakdown (By Day)

This schedule may vary and could change depending on class progress.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
9:00 - 9:02 Attendance Attendance Attendance Attendance Attendance
9:05 - 10:00 Assessment Morning Exercise Outcomes Morning Exercise Review/Advanced Topic
10:00-12:30 Lesson & Mini Exercise Lesson & Mini Exercise Outcomes Lesson & Mini Exercise Lesson & Mini Exercise
12:30 - 1:30 Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch
1:30 - 4:00 Lesson/Lab Lesson/Lab Finish Incomplete Work Lesson/Lab Lesson/Lab
4:00 - 4:45 Student/IA meetings Student/IA meetings ^ Student/IA meetings Student/IA meetings
6:00 - 9:00 Lab Cont'd/Homework Lab Cont'd/Homework ^ Lab Cont'd/Homework Lab Cont'd/Homework

Teaching Assistant Hours

Day Time
Monday, Tuesday and Thursday 5PM - 8PM
Wednesday 12PM - 3PM

Campus Hours

Day Time
Monday - Thursday 8AM - 10PM
Friday 8AM - 6PM
Saturday & Sunday 9AM - 6PM

Course Policies

Attendance & Tardiness

  • Attendance is taken both in the morning and evening.
    • You must be on time and ready to begin the day by 9:00AM to be considered present for morning attendance.
    • You must remain on campus, in the classroom, until class is dismissed, and you must submit your exit tickets, to be considered present for evening attendance.

Please note:

  • You are allowed no more than 3 unexcused absences.

    • Absences will be marked "excused" if you can provide a doctor's note or communicate the absence in advance.
  • You are allowed no more than 9 late arrivals.

    • Arriving in class by more than 5 minutes past class start time.
    • 3 unexcused late arrivals = 1 full, unexcused absence.
    • Late arrivals will be marked "excused" if you communicate with your leadership team within 20 minutes of class start.

You must communicate with your leadership team via private slack in any event that you will miss class or arrive late. (Preferably all instructors, in the event one of us doesn't receive the message or is not working the morning hours.) We are responsible for you during the coursework hours, so we take this very seriously.

Homework Submission

See both the homework submission guidelines and the homework PR template.


General Assembly has a zero tolerance policy towards plagiarism and cheating. It is destructive to classroom culture, and exhibits a clear lack of respect for classmates, instructors, the company, and the greater engineering community. Any work considered to have been plagiarized will not be accepted and will not count towards graduation requirements. If a project exhibits evidence of plagiarism or cheating, the student will not be able to display the project at a GA-sponsored class “science fair” or “meet & greet.” Any student found plagiarizing or attempting to plagiarize will be disciplined accordingly (including but not limited to forced withdrawal from the program).

Open source code is inherently open and usually available for free use to modify and implement into any non-commercial project. However, please review their license and usage guidelines, give credit to the project and/or author, and do not try to hide or disguise the usage of such code.

You are encouraged to ask others, including students, instructors, and StackOverflow, for help. However, it is NOT ACCEPTABLE TO COPY another person's code and submit it as your own. More importantly, it is detrimental to your learning and growth.

All of the following are considered plagiarism or cheating:

  • Turning in work that is not your own.
  • Turning in someone else's work as your own.
  • Hiring, or paying someone to do your work for you.
  • Copying words or code without giving credit.
  • Building or copying someone else’s idea without their knowledge or giving credit.
  • Giving incorrect information about a source.
  • Changing words, variable names, etc. but copying the code or files of a source without giving credit.
  • Copying so many ideas or code blocks from a source that it makes up the majority of your work, whether you give credit or not.
  • Failing to put a quotation in quotation marks.

In an effort to not plagiarize, credit for this content goes to:

General Assembly Licensing

  • All content is licensed under a CC­BY­NC­SA 4.0 license.
  • All software code is licensed under GNU GPLv3. For commercial use or alternative licensing, please contact