Resources from the Switch On! GitHub Workshop

Getting started with GitHub

Git basics

GitHub and your Career

Vocab Words used during the discussion:

  • Git: a distributed version control system
  • GitHub: social network on top of git; a code hosting platform for version control and collaboration.
  • Commit: snapshot of saved changes; each commit has an associated commit message
  • Branching: how you work on different versions of your repository at one time
  • Fork: Create a new version of someone else’s project under your account, so you can modify it as you wish
  • Clone: Take all of the files stored in a project on github and copy them over on to your computer
  • Pull request: how you propose your changes and request that they be incorporated (merged)
  • Repository: a single project (usually)
  • Code Review: a through evaluation of a pull request for style, functionality, and efficiency, provided by a friend or colleague.