
coding along with ML course from eduonix, doing real projects

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT

Found it quite hard to grasp concepts, but still cool!

  • Project 1 - Board Game Review - a linear regression analysis by predicting the average reviews on a board game.

  • Project 2 - Credit Card Fraud Detection - focus on anomaly detection using probability densities.

  • Project 3 - Stock Market Clustering Project - a K-means clustering algorithm to identify related companies by finding correlations among stock market movements

  • Project 4 - tokenizing words and sentences, part of speech identification and tagging, and phrase chunking.

  • Project 5 - use the CIFAR-10 object recognition dataset as a benchmark

  • Project 6 - Image Super Resolution with the SRCNN - use a Tensorflow version of the SRCNN to improve the image quality of degraded images.

  • Project 7 - take an advance approach to Natural Language Processing by solving a text classification task using multiple classification algorithms, Naive Bayes classifier, SGD classifier, and linear support vector classifier (SVC).

  • Project 8 - K-Means Clustering For Image Analysis - how to use K-Means in an unsupervised learning method to analyze and classify 28 x 28 pixel images from the MNIST dataset.