This simple email-sending service provides a wrapper/abstraction over other mail-sending services. Currently supported are SendGrid, MailGun, Mandrill, Amazon SES.

  • go get
  • Generate required cert.pem, key.pem files.
    • go run ${GOROOT}/src/crypto/tls/generate_cert.go --host localhost
  • Start the server:
    • simple-mail-send-go --address localhost:6700 --keyPem key.pem --certPem cert.pem
  • Check server is running:
  • Obtain credentials for at least one supported service. Send an example mail-send request:
  curl -d @- -k https://localhost:6700/send <<END
            "FromEmail": "",
            "ToEmails": [""],
            "Subject":  "hola from simple-mail-send-go",
            "Credentials": {
                "mandrill": {"apikey":"<key>"},
                "mailgun": {"apikey":"<key>", "domain":"<domain>"},
                "sendgrid": {"user": "<user>", "passwd":  "<pass>"},
                "amazon": {"access-key-id":"<key>", "secret-access-key":"<key>"}
  • The following fields are always required:
    • "FromEmail", a string
    • "ToEmails", a list of strings
    • "Credentials" a JSON map of service names to the map of required key-value pairs for each service. (See the "credential" endpoint for service-specific info)