RGB light plugins for CoreTemp (alcpu) to control the PC RGB LEDs based on CPU temperature and CPU load
- 1oh1
- austinhightower1993
- Br1ghteyZPrivate
- Christsnatcher
- Crus4der2011Cape Town, South Africa
- d1g0l3b1ck
- darkp00l
- davidldennisonDavid Dennison SEO
- fabienbernard
- GerHobbeltAlmelo (NL)
- IAowSwels
- iashkan365
- jstoobzGreater New York City Area
- kcB420Universal City, TX
- kellycodeKellyCode
- kingeric1992
- mattjax16Boston
- mepley1
- Nightingale77
- nikitakrutoyArmenia, Yerevan
- Olliathomehabeichauch
- PhobiaCideIncomplete Infinity
- successtheman
- tahayfYıldız Technical University
- thedoumLévis, QC, Canada
- wIc4qel
- yukon-cornelius