
Some utilities to read/scan Launchbox data files

Primary LanguageJava


Some utilities to read/scan Launchbox data files.

Primary use is the LaunchBoxDataModelBuilder pointing at a Launchbox install (e.g. c:\launchbox). It currently loads the following into some model objects:

(Model objects are in io.krystof.launchboxutils.model)

  1. A list of Game objects mapped by Platform name.
  2. Each Game object has a reference to related images for the platform it's attached to.
  3. Images are ordered by defaults, can be overridden in the builder methods withRegionOrderPreference and withImageTypeOrderPreference methods. Image order is sorted before region.

Example usage:

void testLocalInstall() throws URISyntaxException {
		Path path = Paths.get("H:\\LaunchBoxForRetroListBuilding");
		LaunchBoxDataModel model = new LaunchBoxDataModelBuilder().withLaunchBoxRootPath(path).build();

		LOG.info("Platforms count: {}", model.getPlatformGameDataByPlatformName().size());
		model.getPlatformGameDataByPlatformName().entrySet().forEach(entry -> {
			LOG.info("Games for Platform: {}, {}", entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().getGames().size());
			assertEquals(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().getPlatformName());
			entry.getValue().getGames().forEach(game -> {
				LOG.info("\t{} will use image type: {} and region: {} and file: {}", game.getTitle(),


The target jar is small, but the project is large as there are images in the test resources folders for testing.