A command line tool for running JavaScript scripts that use the Asychronous Module Defintion API (AMD) for declaring and using JavaScript modules and regular JavaScript script files.
This projects aims to be an alternative to the Rhino version of r.js created by @jrburke.
Beside all the good work and efforts that @jrburke did in r.js for Java.
I found r.js
extremely slow because the use of Rhino.
So, amd4j need to be extremely fast.
I love AMD!! So, I created this tool (inspired by r.js) for processing AMD scripts in Java where node.js
isn't an option
Optimizing an AMD script:
new Amd4j()
.optimize(new Config("module.js", new File("module.out.js")));
Analyzing an AMD script:
Module result = new Amd4j().analyze(new Config("module.js")));
// print graph
// get dependencies
Iterable<Module> dependencies = result.getDependencies(false);
// get transitive dependencies
Iterable<Module> dependencies = result.getDependencies(true);
Optimizing an AMD script:
java -jar amd4j-tool.jar -o baseUrl=. name=module.js out=module.opt.js
Analyzing an AMD script:
java -jar amd4j-tool.jar -a baseUrl=. name=module.js
Optimizing an AMD script:
<!-- ${script.name} will be replaced by home and page -->
<!-- One of: none, white (strip comments, spaces and lines), closure (simple optimizations), closure.advanced, closure.white -->
<!--file to be processed-->
<!--path configuration-->
The plugin will generate two files: target/${project.build.finalName}/home.opt.js
and target/${project.build.finalName}/page.opt.js
Analyzing an AMD script:
Just change the goal to: analyze
- Processing of single AMD script as input
- Naming modules (the optimizer is able to insert module's names)
- Dependency resolution support
- build profile support
- paths support
plugin supportshim
Stable version: 0.1.1
Development version: 0.1.2-SNAPSHOT
SNAPSHOT versions are NOT synchronized to Central. If you want to use a snapshot version you need to add the https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots/ repository to your pom.xml.
+- org.apache.commons:commons-lang3:jar:3.1:compile
+- org.slf4j:slf4j-api:jar:1.6.4:compile
+- commons-io:commons-io:jar:2.4:compile