

Primary LanguageC


Description ✨

Get_next_line is a 42 project written in C. This function at each call will retrieve a new line from a certain fd. The fd can be a file to read or the standard input. A line is finished when it meets a \n.

The parameters of the function are:

  • int fd is the file descriptor of the file or the stdin where the functions read.
  • char **line is a pointer to the line that will be allocated with the newline.

Main purpose 📄

One of the goals of this project is to code this function in only 2 files. A bonus goal was to use only one static variable. The static variable is used to store the characters read by read, but being after the \n, and so these characters will be used the next time get_next_line is called.

How to use 🚀

A BUFFER_SIZE must be defined. Thats the number of bytes read at each read's call. you can define it in the get_next_line.h file as:

# define BUFFER_SIZE 64

(or define it as a flag -D during the compilation.) In this example the read function is going to be called, reading 64 by 64 bytes each call.

Then you can add these 3 files to your project, include the ``get_next_line.h` on your own files:

#include "get_next_line.h"

and use the function get_next_line to read line by line your files!

Example of use:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "get_next_line.h"

int main()
    char *line = NULL;
    while (get_next_line(0, &line) > 0)
        printf("->%s\n", line);
    printf("->%s\n", line);
    return (0);

Write on the Standard Input, and press Ctrl+D to stop