
Description ✨

Minishell is a 42 project, written in C, which consisted in recoding a bash shell and its numerous functionalities. The execution of several commands (and builtins) with pipes, and redirections >, >>, <. The parsing of commands, the management of EXIT code, of some signals, and of environment variables.

Main purpose 📄

This project taught me a lot of things, first of all the structuring of a big project in C. A first big part is the parsing of the commands (managing single quotes, double quotes, backslash, dollars, etc...) Another part is the execution of the different commands and the redirections, and builtins. The list of builtins to code is:

  • echo and the -n option
  • cd only with a relative or absolute path
  • pwd without any option
  • export without any option
  • unset without any option
  • env without any option or argument
  • exit without any option

There is also the management of return codes, as well as the management of Ctrl+D, Ctrl+\, Ctrl+C signals.

This project taught me to run different processes, to manage parsing well, to be structured on how to solve a problem, to test a lot of special cases and to understand how a shell like bash works globally.

How to use 🚀

Run the command make, then run:


You can know run the commands you want as, ls, echo "Hello World" and enjoy!