
JSON Schema Draft 4 for the ErlangMS services catalogs

ErlangMS Schemas Catalogs

ErlangMS is a platform developed in Erlang/OTP to facilitate the integration of systems through a service-oriented approach for the systems of the University of Brazilia. This work is the result of efforts made in the Master of Applied Computing at the University of Brasilia by graduate student Everton Vargas Agilar.

The platform consists of a Enterprise Service Bus (ESB), called EmsBus, and a documented architecture to implement the services in Erlang, Java and future in .NET Framework languages.

###What's in this folder

This folder contains the JSON Schemas Draft 4 to describe the service contract layout of the ErlangMS service catalogs.

Useful links:

###Sample os service contract

  "name": "/hackathon/cursos/:id",
  "comment": "Lista um curso pelo seu identificador",
  "owner": "hackathon",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "service": "ems_dynamic_view_service:find_by_id",
  "url": "/hackathon/cursos/:id",
  "type": "GET",
  "public": true,
  "lang": "erlang",
  "authentication": "oauth",
  "querystring": {
    "filter": "",
    "fields": "semestre, nome_curso",
    "limit_ini": 1,
    "limit_offset": 100,
    "sort": "semestre desc, nome_curso asc"

JSON Schema for validation: in https://github.com/erlangMS/schema/blob/master/schema_catalog_v1.0.0.json