- 7
Hex package
#39 opened by mworrell - 1
OTP 24 Compatibility
#38 opened by Kartstig - 1
2.0 fails to compile with Elixir (mix)
#37 opened by arjan - 2
- 3
Publish erlang-oauth on
#29 opened by kpanic - 8
support for Erlang binaries
#22 opened by gdamjan - 1
Windows NMAKE
#31 opened by LauriePaulin - 1
Compile errors in alpine linux
#28 opened by alex88 - 9
Erlang 18 - make fails
#25 opened by jesteracer - 3
hmac_sha does not compile on R16B01
#21 opened by moskovich - 6
implement PUT
#12 opened by rflynn - 6
oauth2 support?
#4 opened by matteoredaelli - 8
Twitter Api
#6 opened by vodafon - 4
rebar compatibility
#5 opened by ddosia - 2
Deprecation warnings with R14B
#3 opened by tomtaylor - 1
Export oauth_uri:decode/1
#1 opened by arjan