This is an effort to make it simpler to run Drone in Kuberenetes locally for developing patterns/solutions/drivers for Drone and kuberenetes.
Tool to easily install/setup/manage kubernetes inside virtualbox
CLI tool for kubernetes
minikube start --cpus 6 --memory 5000
# wait a few minutes
# Setup docker env to use docker in minikube vbox instance
eval #(minikube docker-env)
# See stuff running
kubectl get all
docker ps
kubectl apply -f gitea-deployment.yaml
kubectl apply -f gitea-service.yaml
# Wait a few minutes for gitea to download and start
kubectl get all
kubectl describe pod gitea
# Get URL to access gitea when everything is up
minikube service gitea --url
We will also need to set a host entry for gitea
echo "$(minikube ip) gitea" >> /etc/hosts
Now login to your gitea instance (from minikube service gitea --url
above) to finish setting it up. Create yourself an admin account as well.
Database Type
: sqlite3Application URL
should match output ofminikube service gitea --url
kubectl apply -f drone-secrets.yaml
kubectl apply -f drone-configmap.yaml
kubectl apply -f drone-server-deployment.yaml
kubectl apply -f drone-server-service.yaml
kubectl apply -f drone-agent-deployment.yaml
- Login to gitea -
minikube service gitea --url
- Create a repo
- Login to Drone -
minikube service drone-server --url
- Activate your repo in Drone
- Go to webhook in gitea for repo you activated
- Change to
- Clone the gitea repo and have fun!