- 0
Add post: Leveraging Erlang for Enhanced Fault Tolerance and Productivity in Space Applications: Insights from the GRiSP Platform
#482 opened by maizalcoop - 1
- 2
Sponsors doesn't load for me?
#470 opened by pdgonzalez872 - 7
Site down!
#456 opened by peerst - 0
Add support for Preview Cards
#459 opened by MOQA-Solutions - 3
Add interfaces on site to submit academic papers
#240 opened by starbelly - 0
Code Smells in Elixir: Early Results from a Grey Literature Review #AcademicPapers
#462 opened by adolfont - 0
- 2
Cannot submit stipend through the website
#403 opened by pablocostass - 2
improve membership page
#221 opened by benoitc - 11
- 2
- 1
Add generic server to poll wildapricot database ever N hours and sync with database
#285 opened by starbelly - 1
Wrong repo link at /wg/libs-and-frameworks
#457 opened by williamthome - 2
Add new academic paper on Elixir
#393 opened by pdgonzalez872 - 0
Add ability to create, update, and delete job posts
#429 opened by krasenyp - 1
- 1
No SSL for OtoloNetworks (sponsor) website
#398 opened by janpieper - 3
"Up and running" incomplete?
#401 opened by janpieper - 3
Add "Code Smells in Elixir: Early Results from a Grey Literature Review" to the list of Academic Papers
#397 opened by adolfont - 1
Add Hank's paper to the list of Academic Papers
#380 opened by elbrujohalcon - 0
Make Slack Invite Link Easier to Discover
#366 opened by peerst - 2
Keeping sessions alive longer
#354 opened by starbelly - 4
Affiliates page
#289 opened by starbelly - 3
Add learning section on the community page
#237 opened by starbelly - 6
Add blogs section to the community page
#287 opened by starbelly - 1
Replace mailchimp form with a join us! link
#288 opened by starbelly - 0
- 1
Add preview section on events submission form
#306 opened by starbelly - 0
Setup website preview instances for pull requests
#317 opened by starbelly - 1
Can we confirm that the Event Submission form sends an email acknowledegement ?
#303 opened by ahw59 - 2
Moving 'Events" to a top level tab
#300 opened by ahw59 - 2
add working group calendar to the wg page
#282 opened by benoitc - 4
- 6
posting an event shouldn't require membership?
#222 opened by benoitc - 1
Promotional suggestions feature
#207 opened by starbelly - 5
Migrate to Hugo on Netlify
#209 opened by tsloughter - 0
Clarify the "How to vote" section
#278 opened by ahw59 - 1
Home Page Improvement
#273 opened by sparrell - 3
Add platforms section on the community page
#238 opened by starbelly - 6
bug on event form page with safari
#245 opened by benoitc - 8
Stipend Proposal Form -- Development Work
#250 opened by natalia-chechina - 2
errors should tell who to contact when it happens
#252 opened by benoitc - 1
Add ability for working group chairs/leads and admins to manage their groups
#202 opened by starbelly - 5
- 1
Add a Communications section to the community page
#239 opened by starbelly - 1
Easy to find list of BEAM languages
#214 opened by adolfont - 2
Maybe add academic paper?
#219 opened by pdgonzalez872 - 2
Logos not showing up correctly on the Events page
#217 opened by ahw59 - 0