
Unity simple message system

Primary LanguageC#Do What The F*ck You Want To Public LicenseWTFPL

!!! Deprecation disclaimer

This code isn't supported anymore. Please use it only if you are really interested in this approach. As a better alternative I recommend (and actually using in my projects) Signals by dimmpixeye

SMessage for Unity

The small and simple, but powerful and strict-typed messaging system for Unity engine. I've created it for using in my own projects, but shared it after post on Habrahabr (RUS https://habrahabr.ru/post/245353/)

Getting Started

Just include all script files somewhere in your own project, for example Assets/Vendor/SMessage and start using it!

Create event class with GameObject value

public class SMessageExample :  AbstractSMessageValued<GameObject> {
  public SMessageExample (GameObject value) : base(value) { }

Create call of this event in someone MonoBehaviour class

public class ExampleObject : MonoBehaviour {
  public void OnMouseDown () {
    SManager.SCall(new SMessageExample(gameObject));

Add handler for this event in another MonoBehaviour class

public class ExampleHandlerObject : MonoBehaviour {
    // Add event listener in OnEnable callback
    public void OnEnable() {

    // And remove in OnDisable callback
    public void OnDisable() {

    private void OnMessage (SMessageExample message) {
      Debug.Log("OnMouseDown for object "+message.Value.name);

More examples


  • Unity3D
  • Hands

Running the tests

Tests are not yet writen, but they will be somewhen.


Feel free to create issues and contribute your code!



This project is licensed under the WTFPL - see the license.txt file for details