
awesome list of graphql-java related projects

Awesome graphql-java Awesome

Libraries and projectes related to graphql-java

Inspired by the awesome list thing.


Schema Libraries

Schema First

  • GraphQL Java Generator is available as a Maven plugin and a Gradle plugin. It has two modes :

    • The Client mode generates the Java classes that contains methods to call the GraphQL endpoint , and the POJO that will contain the data returned by the server.

    • The Server mode generates the boilerplate code for graphql-java. It's an accelerator that makes it easier to use graphql-java. You'll only have to implement what's specific to your server, which are the joins between the GraphQL types.

  • graphql-apigen: Generate Java APIs with GraphQL Schemas

  • graphql-java-tools: A schema-first tool for graphql-java inspired by graphql-tools for JS

  • graphql-java-codegen-maven-plugin: Maven plugin for generating JVM languages(Such as Scala,Kotlin,Java) types and Resolver interfaces. Works perfectly in conjunction with graphql-java-tools.

  • graphql-java-codegen-gradle-plugin: Gradle plugin for generating JVM languages(Such as Scala,Kotlin,Java) types and Resolver interfaces. Works perfectly in conjunction with graphql-java-tools.

  • graphql-java-codegen-sbt-plugin: SBT plugin for generating JVM languages(Such as Scala,Kotlin,Java) types and Resolver interfaces. Works perfectly in conjunction with graphql-java-tools.

  • rdbms-to-graphql: A Java CLI program that generates a GraphQL schema from a JDBC data source.

  • graphql-schema-from-introspection-generator: A Java CLI program that generates a GraphQL schema from Introspection Query result. Useful for migration from Code First.

  • graphql-braid: Schema stitching - combines GraphQL backends into one schema.

  • test-graphql-java: A simple library to help testing the GraphQL endpoint with schema files using any HTTP Client library.

  • graphql-java-federation: A library to adapt graphql-java services to Apollo Federation specification

Code First

Execution Strategies

  • graphql-rxjava: An execution strategy that makes it easier to use rxjava's Observable

  • graphql-java-reactive: An execution strategy which is based on Reactive Streams. Project is evolving.

Exposing a Schema


Batch Loading


  • graphql-java-extended-scalars: A series extended scalars for graphql-java based projects, brought you you by the same team that helps build graphql-java itself

  • graphql-java-datetime: A set of ISO 33601, RFC 3339 compatible date time scalars for GraphQL Java


  • JS GraphQL IntelliJ Plugin: GraphQL language support for WebStorm, IntelliJ IDEA and other IDEs based on the IntelliJ Platform.
  • graphql-calculator - A lightweight graphql calculation engine, implemented based on directive.



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