
This rep. about challenges of javascript .

Primary LanguageJavaScript

JS Challenges 100DaysOfJavascript

For practice javascript a long this days.


That what i will practice:

  • Basic Concept:

    • Data Types And typeof Operator
    • Variables Introduction
    • Identifiers Name Conventions And Rules
    • Var, Let, Const Compare
    • String Syntax And Character Escape Sequences
    • Concatenation
    • Template Literals (Template Strings)
    • Arithmetic Operators
    • Unary Plus And Negation Operators
    • Type Coercion
    • Assignment Operators
    • Number Methods
    • Math Object
    • String Methods Part 1
    • Comparison Operators
    • Logical Operators
    • If Condition
    • Nested If Condition
    • Conditional ternary Operator
    • Nullish Coalescing Operator
    • Switch Statement
  • Array :

    • Using Length With Array
    • Add And Remove From Array
    • Searching Array
    • Sorting Array
    • Slicing Array
    • Joining Arrays
    • Loop For...Of
    • Looping On Sequences for..in
    • Nested Loops
    • Loop Control – Continue, Break, Label
    • Loop – While
    • Loop – Do, While
  • Function :

    • Function Return Statement
    • Function Default Parameters
    • Function Rest Parameters
    • Anonymous Function
    • Return Nested Function
    • Arrow Function
    • Scope – Global And Local
    • Scope – Block
    • Scope – Lexical (Static)
    • Higher Order Functions – Map
    • Higher Order Functions – Filter
    • Higher Order Functions – Reduce
    • Higher Order Functions – ForEach
  • Object :

    • Dot Notation vs Bracket Notation
    • Nested Object
    • Create Object With New Keyword
    • This Keyword
    • Create Object With Create Method
    • Create Object With Assign Method
  • DOM :

    • Get, Set Elements And Attributes
    • Check Attributes
    • Create and Append Elements
    • Deal With Children
    • DOM Events
    • Validate Form And Prevent Default
    • Event Simulation – Click, Focus, Blur
    • ClassList Object And Methods
    • CSS Styling And Stylesheet
    • Before, After, Prepend, Append, Remove
    • DOM Traversing
    • DOM Cloning
    • AddEventListener
  • BOM :

    • Alert, Confirm, Prompt
    • setTimeout and clearTimeout
    • setInterval and clearInterval
    • Window Location Object
    • Window Open And Close
    • Window History Object
    • Scroll, ScrollTo, ScrollBy, Focus, Print, Stop
    • Scroll To Top Using ScrollY
    • Local Storage
    • Session Storage
  • Destructuring Arrays

    • Destructuring Arrays & Swapping Variables
    • Destructuring Objects
    • Destructuring Function parameters
    • Destructuring Mixed Content
    • Set Data Type And Methods
    • Set vs WeakSet And Garbage Collector
    • Map Data Type vs Object
    • Map Methods
    • Map vs WeakMap
    • Array.from Method
    • Array.copyWithin Method
    • Array.some Method
    • Array.every Method
  • Regular Expression:

    • Regular Expression – Modifiers
    • Regular Expression – Ranges
    • Regular Expression – Character Classes
    • Regular Expression – Quantifiers
    • Regular Expression – Replace With Pattern
    • Regular Expression – Form Validation