Code for reproducing results in the sliced score matching paper (UAI 2019)
- aashiqmuhamedCarnegie Mellon University
- acganeshSan Francisco, CA
- AS-researcher6
- chenlin9
- cyz-aiCambridge Machine Learning Group
- destinyyzySJTU
- edward-reehorstThe Ohio State University
- fly51flyPRIS
- gd-zhangUniversity of Toronto
- glebshevchukk
- gpantalosNematx
- LoryPackUniversity of Cambridge
- michalwolsNew York
- mikigomKAIST
- moellenh
- MrChen18
- MuserHao
- nkthiebaut@hired
- normarkUoB
- P2333Sea AI Lab
- plcrodriguesInria
- RahulBhalleyFreelancer
- sahajgarg
- seanexpKakaoBrain
- sivapvarmaUC San Diego
- SiyuWang15@thu-ml
- sk413025Academia Sinica
- taesiriPlanet Mars
- thjashinCambridge, MA
- thomasryckINRIA
- tigerneilCenter for Safe AGI
- wangkua1Snap Inc.
- yang-songOpenAI
- Yitian-LiHikvision Research Institute
- ZENGXHUniversity of Toronto
- zhaoyi11Aalto University