
Simple web app for playing netradio streams on a Raspberry PI (or any Linux systems)

Primary LanguageHTML


Simple web app for playing netradio streams on a Raspberry PI (or any Linux systems)

Project Scope


  • There is a radio set in the kitchen
  • I want to listen net radios (like D.I.)
  • I can connect my Android device to the radio set (it has AV in), but the router is too far, drops WiFi every 2 minutes



Install MPD on Raspberry PI:

sudo apt-get install mpd mpc

Download and copy files to a folder, e.g. /opt/audiobroadcast. Edit playlist.txt, one item per line, fields are separated with caret ('^'):

My Fav Radio^http://example.com/icon.png^http://example.com/stream.m3u
Another One^http://example.com/icon.jpg^http://example.com:9900/stream2.m3u

Launch Python app:

cd /opt/audiobroadcast

Point your browser to http://raspi:8888/ where "raspi" is your Raspberry PI's hostname or IP address. Connect your transmitter or amp to Raspberry PI. Push up the volume!